23 Mar 2015

Only few days left

Hello there! Time has really flied since it’s only THREE days until my flight! Luckily it leaves 16:40 so I don’t have to rush my way to the Helsinki-Vantaa airport. Plane will arrive to Amsterdam 18:15 and to Zwolle it takes about one hour by train.

When I’m having a trip, even just a small one, I’m always packing a way too much stuff with me, but now I’m wondering can I really pack too much for two months? I think not. On the other hand I thought I would only take necessary stuff with me and shop til I drop over there. I’ve already made small list what to pack, but clothes.. so hard to decide what to take (or more like what not to take). I heard that at work I will wear uniform, so luckily I don’t have to sacrifice too much of thoughts on working clothes. Oh and btw, I will work at V&D which is huge Dutch department store. I will be working as a shop assistant in jewellery (♥) and leather section. Still have to brush up some vocabulary and basic information about them!

I’ve been in the Netherlands few times before, so country itself is not strange for me. I’ve visited quite a few cities but I’m far from being familiar with them! For example to Rotterdam I went only because of Primark… haha. Either way now I’ve decided to do much much much more exploring and get more deep into Dutch culture. (Tho it doesn’t mean I would be ready to even touch Dutch herring..) I’m actually studying Dutch in Babbel.com and I’ve noticed huge improvement in my language skills. The language haven’t been much of my interest to learn because of all that “throat-weirdness”. BUT! The more you hear it and use it, the more natural it start to sound and feel like. I’m still quite shy with certain words, but maybe one day it’s not awkward for me to say a word with a proper “g” or “gr”! Unfortunately Babbel isn’t free, but getting 3 months usage for 20€ isn’t that much in my opinion. If you have motivation I highly recommend the site since it really makes you remember stuff!

Everything has gone surprisingly well so far *knock on wood*, aaand I hope it will continue like that. Doei!


  1. Vähän siistiä, että sä pääset (tai joudut, jos sen haluaa niin aatella :D) oikeesti oppimaan kieltäkin! Ja työskennellessä sitä varmaan just oppii nopeesti. Suosittelen muuten, että otat vaan välttämättömyystarvikkeet ja fiksusti valitut vaatteet (eli sellasii helppoi mix&match-vaatekappaleita :D) mukaan, koska a) 2 kk on niin lyhyt aika, et pärjäät hyvin ilman "just sitä paitaa" ja "just sitä hametta" b) joudut raahaan kuitenkin kaiken takas Suomeen c) + joudut raahaan kaiken, mitä ostat sieltä.

    Voi että, oon vähän kade ku pääset syömään hollantilaisii ranei milloin vaan! <3

    1. Haha joo, ope sano että mul ois hyvät rahkeet alkeiden haltsaamiseen. Katsotaan miten käy, ne puhuu niin nopeesti.. :D Kiitos vinkistä, mun pitää nyt oikeesti käydä vielä kaikki ajatuksen kanssa läpi! Siellä on kuitenkin kaikkii ihania vaatekauppoja, joten palattaessa laukku on varmasti täynnä... Ja sit just kun ne on vaan vapaa-ajalle, niin ei kai sillä oo väliä!

      Joo ne on kyl hyviiiiii!<3 Tuhdissa kunnossa takas Suomeen! Sulla on siellä vähän terveellisemmät eväät. ;D
